CSC (.csc): definition by Rodfigofd "Among other things, it contains boot images (not the animated ones, that correspond to power_on/off.gif, but the one that goes before that), much like the HTC devices' splash .nb files, .. also, the charging animation when device is plugged but off, animations for the EBOOT program when you are flashing the phone, and also files and settings that get applied to your Win Mobile when you flash or hard reset. CSC can include, for example, wallpapers, themes, connection settings, etc. I suppose it can also contain apps an other stuff.
Although in flasher program CSC file seems to let you select languages, CSC file just have possible language choices, but not the files/settings corresponding to those languages. Those are all packed in the PDA part (NB0 or MST)."
你好!我都 update了2.3.3 update後我發現call waiting function 有問題,一有第三者打入時,call waiting tone 會響過不停,你有這問題嗎? 我是用PCCW的
回覆刪除Re: Johnny <5020085926449509152>
回覆刪除你好 我還沒更新耶
如果reset後還是一樣的話 那看要不要刷回2.2.1了